Juvenile Convicts and Human Rights (Paper)

  • Ajith N Kale, Christ University Bangalore
  • December 25, 2020

Content :

In this research paper an attempt is made to analyze the special provisions that are vested on Juveniles in India with the light of its constitutional philosophy and the international conventions. This paper gives a commences with the brief introduction on the term juvenile and the related provisions, later a brief background on how such juvenile delinquents were dealt with in the pre and post-Independence era along with the present provisions in India. In present provisions of India, the definition of the juvenile and child are discussed and the Juvenile Justice Act of 2000 and 2015 along with each of their special objectives, salient features and principles are discussed in depth. Types of Juvenile are also discussed with more emphasis on the present most common types of juvenile committing crimes and the important reasons behind them, it also includes some comments from famous authors who have shared their views on the same subject matter. And the most important discussion made in this research paper is the role of human rights in juvenile justice and the role of other organization like the UNICEF, this also deals with some prescribed the least privileges and opportunities that should be regarded by governments. In the prevention of juvenile delinquency, a brief on is discussed on the recognizing juveniles and addressing the methods by which juvenile delinquency is prevented in India.