Police Brutality: A Human Rights Disaster

  • Anjitha Santhosh, Jamia Milia Islamia
  • September 25, 2020

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Police in India, is not still relieved from the clutches of colonial British administration. The Indian Police system is based on a model devised by British Colonists. According to India: Annual Report on Torture, in India: custodial torture claimed 1,731 and 1,966 lives in 2019 and 2018 respectively. The killing of Jayaraj and his son Emmanuel Bennicks has sent shockwaves across the country. It has once again directed our attention to the police brutality that is taking place in our country and the vital need for police reforms. 
This article deals with police brutality and the need for police reforms in India. The first part deals with a basic introduction to the police force in India. The second part gives recent instances of police brutality in India. It briefly explains Jamia violence, the death of Jayaraj and Bennix, and the recent case where a 19-year-old boy died due to police torture. The next part explains how the public plays a major role in perpetuating police brutality. The next part deals with police brutality during the Covid-19 lockdown and the last part is on how to hold the police accountable for their actions.