Tukaram and Another v/s. State of Maharashtra

  • Alena Dominic, SLS Pune
  • December 2, 2020

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The following is a brief case analysis of the case titled Tukaram and Another v. State of Maharashtra [ AIR 1979 SC 185] or popularly know as the Mathura Rape Case. This case is considered as the landmark case which helped in reforms of rape laws via the Criminal Amendment Act, 1983. This case is also seen as the turning point of Women’ Right Movemt and Legal Rights Movement in India. The aftermath of the case highlighted the need for laws which is sensitive to the rape victims. This case has been read, summarized and analyzed broadly under the following headings: Facts of the case, issues at hand, arguments from both sides, legal aspects involved and overview of the judgement. This case focuses of the legal provisions under Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. The Supreme Court’s decision in this case was met with criticism and anger for the legal miscalculations and the sexist tone used.